Nero OG

Sure, we could’ve taken the cost effective route & slapped our logo on a bulk order of basic hats, but where’s the fun in that? Everything we do here at OMADA must innovate on what already does or doesn’t exist. Hats are no different.
We sat down and collectively addressed every pain point of wearing a hat, and why they struggle to last over several months of repeated use. Frankly, the answer was simple. Regular hats don’t hold up against perspiration OR the elements.
So, we created our HydroTek Hat Line. Custom designed & constructed with a premium, breathable, hydrophobic material that beads away exterior water and prevents absorption. They’re hand stitched, durable, lightweight, anti-bacterial, and feature an internal sweat-proof band designed to protect & prevent brim and cap damage from perspiration.
It may be the last hat you ever buy, but with over new 28 to choose from, there’s a style option for every occasion.